Parent-Teacher Association
- Strengthen the connection and cooperation between parents and schools.
- Promote understanding between parents and teachers and establish a cooperative relationship.
- Make family education and school education complement each other and enhance the effect of education.
- Support schools to improve teaching facilities and student welfare.
- Encourage parents to provide feedback to the school.
Members of this year

Consultant | Principal Dr. NG Ka Man, Ms. WONG Hei Tung |
Chairperson | Ms. SZE Yin Ling |
Vice-chairperson | Ms. JIANG Fu Rong, Ms. TSANG Ah Yat |
Secretaries | Ms. WONG Wai Man , Ms.YIP Cheuk Wai |
Treasurer | Ms. LEUNG Man Na |
Auditor | Mr. WONG Koon Yiu |
Liaison officer | Ms. NING Ching Wa, Ms. SO Yin Wan, Ms PANG. Wing Yee, Ms. HUNG Wing Yan , Ms MOK Chak Kam |
Executive Committee | Ms. Lo Ling Ling, Ms. KWOK Yuen Ling, Vice-principal CHAN Chi Hung, Vice-principal CHAN Lai Shuen |
Message from the Principal
Our school organizes the "True Light Joint School Summer English Study Tour" and "Canada English Study Tour" every year, giving students the opportunity to attend classes in local middle schools and experience foreign study life. Students will visit local attractions in their spare time. As for accommodation, teachers and students will stay with local host families. Recently, I learned from a parent that his daughter has changed a lot after participating in the "Canada English Study Tour". She has become more mature in dealing with people and is more confident in doing things than before. She hopes that her daughter can continue to participate in the study tour this year. Another parent also expressed his willingness to fully support his daughter and hoped that his daughter could learn more about the English-based learning environment. The school was extremely encouraged to hear that parents supported their daughters’ participation in the study tour. This is an opportunity for home-school cooperation to help their daughters learn better. In fact, there are quite a lot of parent-teacher association activities that parents participate in, such as lectures on further education held by parents from Form 1 to Form 6, learning experience days, volunteering services provided by Form 4 parents and students, parent-child university visits, and New Year's Eve activities. Booths, parent-child volunteer visits, parent-teacher general education lectures, etc. Through these activities, parents can have an in-depth understanding of school curriculum, further education information and school activities. More importantly, they can be exposed to new knowledge and experience the activity process with their daughters, so that everyone can learn, feel and grow together...... An inspector from the Education and Career Guidance Section of the Education Bureau once highly praised the school, saying that the school can provide a variety of parent-child activities so that parents and daughters can participate in "life planning" together. I also believe that this is the biggest role of the parent-teacher association effect.
Words from our Chairperson

「祖父母總是寵著孩子,讓他們吃零食,結果影響了孩子吃正餐的胃口。即使跟他們說不要這樣,卻只換來一句『食少少無所謂』,真讓人無奈。」 「孩子大約四點放學,如果不是父母幫忙照顧他,直等到我們回家,我們就無法外出工作了。」 對家長來說,讓祖父母跨代照顧孩子有很多好處。祖父母是親人,既可信賴又安全,這樣家長就能安心。然而,跨代照顧也面臨挑戰,最大的困難在於管教不一致。例如,該讓孩子自己解決問題,還是出手幫忙?在看電視的時間、生活規律、懲罰方式等,當標準不一致時,容易引發衝突。 隨著雙職家庭越來越普遍,孩子們大部分時間與保姆或祖父母在一起,隔代教育成為常見現象。如何讓祖父母感受到我們的感激,並保持彼此的和諧,讓孩子感受到愛與關懷,成為家庭中的一個重要課題。 這場講座邀請了對兒童及家庭教育有豐富經驗的辰民爸爸,與大家分享兩代教養衝突背後的原因,剖析兩代照顧兒孫的行為模式。他亦會講解如何促進兩代之間建立正向的育兒模式,以及探討如何加強兩代的溝通與角色分工。 【活動詳情】 名稱|《如何化解兩代的育兒衝突與分歧?》日期|2025年3月21日(星期五)時間|晚上8:30-10:00對象|家長費用|全免形式|Zoom網上會議講者|辰民爸爸(兩名孩子的爸爸,主修兒童教育及家庭教育,美國PDA正面管教協會家長及學校雙證講師,現任正向家長學院總監)主持|黎沛瑜女士(賽馬會抗逆有「家」計劃高級培訓主任、資深社工) 報名| 內容| 1. 了解兩代教養衝突背後的原因2. 學習兩代建立正向育兒模式的方法3. 探討如何加強兩代溝通與角色分工
【為人父母的初衷】 Elaine是一位資深的精英班教師,也是兩名兒子的媽媽。十年前,她和先生都要求孩子追成績、做大量補充練習,然而這樣的壓力讓孩子感到辛苦,親子關係也變得緊張,令兒子們不禁大叫:「做你囝囝好辛苦!」。 在教育路上感到迷失的Elaine,頓然決定給自己一個停下來反思的機會。這段心路歷程讓她重新找回教養的初衷,她意識到原來兒子一直只是活出父母的期望。當養育孩子的信念被喚醒時,到底一家人在面對孩子更多的學業挑戰時,會發生什麼變化?兒子又能否感受到母親教養上的改變? 每個家庭總有自己獨一無二的家庭逆境故事,「家庭訪談室」邀請您造訪不同家庭,傾聽受訪者親自細訴一家人如何發揮其「家庭抗逆力」過渡逆境,在笑與淚中找到共鳴,為您在逆境「家」添力量。
Online resources
eClass Parent App Resources
Smart Parent Net
“Smart Parent Net” is a one-stop website by Education Bureau to provide information on parent education.
Parents can access information on parent-child relationships, character development, parenting skills and emotional management for parents, etc. on the website.
Guidelines for Handling School Complaints
Contact Us
Parents are welcome to provide valuable opinions through the following channels:
- E-mail:
- Parent suggestion box (located outside the Parent Resource Center)