Parent-Teacher Association
- Strengthen the connection and cooperation between parents and schools.
- Promote understanding between parents and teachers and establish a cooperative relationship.
- Make family education and school education complement each other and enhance the effect of education.
- Support schools to improve teaching facilities and student welfare.
- Encourage parents to provide feedback to the school.
Members of this year
Chairperson | Ms. SZE Yin Ling |
Vice-chairperson | Mr. WONG Koon Yiu , Ms. TSANG Ah Yat |
Secretaries | Ms. WONG Wai Man , Ms.YIP Cheuk Wai |
Treasurer | Ms. LEUNG Man Na |
Auditor | Ms. CHAN Ha Nei |
Liaison officer | Ms. SO Yin Wan , Ms. JIANG Fu Rong, Ms PANG. Wing Yee, Ms. HUNG Wing Yan , Ms MOK Chak Kam |
Executive Committee | Ms. LAM Lai Ley, Ms. CHAN Sze Sze, Vice-principal CHAN Chi Hung, Vice-principal CHAN Lai Shuen |
Audiences | Principal Dr. NG Ka Man, Ms. WONG Hei Tung |
Message from the Principal
Our school organizes the "True Light Joint School Summer English Study Tour" and "Canada English Study Tour" every year, giving students the opportunity to attend classes in local middle schools and experience foreign study life. Students will visit local attractions in their spare time. As for accommodation, teachers and students will stay with local host families. Recently, I learned from a parent that his daughter has changed a lot after participating in the "Canada English Study Tour". She has become more mature in dealing with people and is more confident in doing things than before. She hopes that her daughter can continue to participate in the study tour this year. Another parent also expressed his willingness to fully support his daughter and hoped that his daughter could learn more about the English-based learning environment. The school was extremely encouraged to hear that parents supported their daughters’ participation in the study tour. This is an opportunity for home-school cooperation to help their daughters learn better. In fact, there are quite a lot of parent-teacher association activities that parents participate in, such as lectures on further education held by parents from Form 1 to Form 6, learning experience days, volunteering services provided by Form 4 parents and students, parent-child university visits, and New Year's Eve activities. Booths, parent-child volunteer visits, parent-teacher general education lectures, etc. Through these activities, parents can have an in-depth understanding of school curriculum, further education information and school activities. More importantly, they can be exposed to new knowledge and experience the activity process with their daughters, so that everyone can learn, feel and grow together...... An inspector from the Education and Career Guidance Section of the Education Bureau once highly praised the school, saying that the school can provide a variety of parent-child activities so that parents and daughters can participate in "life planning" together. I also believe that this is the biggest role of the parent-teacher association effect.
Words from our Chairperson
家庭理財教育不單是子女成長重要的一環,家長能夠學習財富管理和家庭財務規劃,並認識及早為未來生活作好準備同樣重要,強制性公積金計劃管理局(積金局)現舉辦以家長為對象的理財教育活動。 工作坊由認可財務策劃師主講,特別適合在職家長在家庭財務策劃各方面作出適切的計劃,包括教育子女正確理財價值觀、子女教育及升學以至個人退休規劃,作出籌劃和安排,並輔以個案分析、實用工具介紹等。 工作坊內容如下: 財務策劃與家庭理財 教育子女正確的理財觀 子女教育基金及升學規劃 人生階段退休規劃及強積金投資 個案分析及常用工具示範 為方便家長參與,此活動提供實體面授或網上進行供校方選擇。實體面授所須約80人,網上約150人。時間約1.5至2小時。有興趣參加的家長,請填妥隨函附上的報名連結以便校方統計參加家長人數。本活動截止報名日期為11月8日(星期五)。如有查詢,請致電287112114與曾雅逸老師聯絡。 報名連結
Online resources
eClass Parent App Resources
Smart Parent Net
“Smart Parent Net” is a one-stop website by Education Bureau to provide information on parent education.
Parents can access information on parent-child relationships, character development, parenting skills and emotional management for parents, etc. on the website.
Guidelines for Handling School Complaints
Contact Us
Parents are welcome to provide valuable opinions through the following channels:
- E-mail:
- Parent suggestion box (located outside the Parent Resource Center)