

Half a century, True Light behold
Greatness we’d raised through true light we shine.
In Christ we spread Faith, Hope and Love;
On legacy we’ll ride standing test of time.

True Light College 50th Anniversary Variety Show: Golden Jubilation

 With the beautiful voices of Why We Sing resonating in the Jockey Club Auditorium, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the thunderous applause on the curtain call after the musical, the Variety Show literally ended on a high note to mark the commencement of the 50th Anniversary Celebrations of Hong Kong True Light College on Saturday, 21st September.

Hong Kong True Light College was founded in 1975, located on Caine Road, and relocated to the current campus by the harbour on Ap Lei Chau in 1995. This year marks the fifth decennial celebration of the College. Started with the grand opening, a classical ballet performance presented by students in True Light. Over a hundred students put on a variety show showcasing their talent from the elegant Cheongsam dance, passionate Chinese dance, enchanting orchestral and choir performances, to the most anticipated musical, Children of Eden

The highlight of the show was the performance by Mr. Pun Chun Lai as the pianist and the school choir led by Ms. Chan Chung Ka. The school choir has performed quite a few shows over several occasions through the past few years; during the Jubilee, they had performed Why We Sing by Greg Gilpin. Their vocal delivery was truly captivating, leaving the audience of the Jubilee impressed with applause. Ms. Chan conducted the choir flawlessly as Mr. Pun put the icing on the cake with his transcending piano skills.

Our school teachers have also taken part in the show. Mr. Cheung Hoi Kit, Mr. Tsui Ki Fan, Mr. Wong Tak Hin and Mr. Wong Yat Sing had performed the song You Raise Me Up before the orchestra performance. Their sonorous voices, pleasant to the ears, left the entire audience clapping in astonishment.

The highly anticipated musical did not disappoint the audience at all. Their performance was nothing short of amazing, showcasing a blend of singing, dancing, and theatrical flair that left everyone in awe. The vibrant costumes and dynamic choreography created a festive atmosphere, inviting the audience to join in the celebration. The story at the Garden of Eden expressed the difficulties and complexities of family relationships, which many of us can relate to. That performance was surely a monumental and meaningful experience. 

The night ended on a high note after the musical, and the event wouldn’t have gone off smoothly without the generous support provided by our alumni, parent guests and above all, the guest of honours, Dr. Gloria Chan, Principal Assistant Secretary (Curriculum Development). “Students’ outstanding performance on stage is the result of their diligence, perseverance, commitment and unity. I sincerely congratulate the school on training the students with these priority values and attitudes,” said Dr. Chan at her closing remarks. She also reminded us of the priority values, which had been increased from 5 to 12 over these twenty years, including empathy and diligence. “They are all to introduce sustainable development and to teach life values to students all around the city.”

The Variety Show does not serve as a celebratory event, but a growing opportunity for our student body. One of the main cast in the musical, Hannah, who played Adam and Noah, shared what she had learned, “Really believe in yourself a lot… don’t underestimate yourself.’ She genuinely reckoned that confidence is key to a successful performance or a successful path and that at any time we should never underestimate ourselves or our potential. This lesson-to-take probably highlights and embodies the spirit of True Light. And the success of the evening has left all attendees wondering what’s more to come in our celebratory events in the year ahead.

50 Anniversary Dinner

Hong Kong True Light College The Centennial Enlightenment Project

In 1975, Hong Kong True Light College was founded in Caine Road. It was then relocated to Ap Lei Chau in 1995. Our school campus was expanded to approximately 10,200 square feet in area in total. Positioned between Aberdeen Harbour on the East and Mount Johnston on the West, the excellent geographical location of our school campus has made it a scheduled and refined space for learning.

Located on 1 Lei Tung Road, the‘1’symbolizes pioneering. Following the path of pioneering women’s education, True Light has been devoted to following the footstep of our founder Ms. Harriet Noyes, who pursued the sacrifical love of Jesus Christ. We are striving for fostering an all-round education. We also educate of the True Light traditions, which help our students to create and develop the community spirit of mutual help and love. We hope to nurture the spirit of
perseverance, sacrifice, and self-improvement.

Time flies. Thanks to the complete dedication of the School Sponsoring Body, principal, teachers and parents, our student are well-nurtured and greatly benefited by excellent resources. Hence, a lot of outstanding True Light girls have been raised to carry forward the school motto, Thou Art the Light of the World, and shines as the light of the world for Jesus Christ’s sake.

The Centennial Enlightenment project including:

  • Performing Arts Theatre
  • Learning Commons
  • Interactive Teaching Classrooms (appox. 30 rooms)
  • Home-economics Room
  • Biotech Lab

Booklet - The Centennial Enlightenment project

Promotional video

Dr Ng Ka Man, Principal
“With the advanced classroom facilities and Performing Arts Theatre, the learning and teaching effectiveness can be optimized through Information Technology. Our modern and multi-functional library will reflect and boost learning diversity. The Learning Commons will also help in promoting peer learning and make our students excel in coping with the demands of modern times.”
Celebrating the success of
“The Centennial Enlightenment Project”,
we give pride not to ourselves but Jesus Christ alone.
May the grace be with Jesus Christ.
This is the blessing of Jesus Christ left for True Light.







一.   新圖書館    New Library
二.   學習共享空間  Learning Commons
三.   演藝廳     Performing Arts Theatre
四.   互動教學課室  Interactive Teaching Classrooms

進行以上各項工程,目的在於令本校設施更臻完備,為全校師生提供更理想的學習及演出空間,讓學生在優質的校園內得以愉快地享受每個學習時刻。估計所需費用高達二千萬,現誠意向各界籌款捐獻,並奉函誠邀  台端鼎力支持,詳情見捐贈表格。


  • 鳴謝方案
    捐款金額 (港幣)
  • 以圖書館命名
  • 以學習共享空間命名
  • 以演藝廳命名
  • 以學習共享空間內的房間命名
  • 以圖書館內的房間命名
  • 以課室命名
  • 於圖書館內大牌匾刻名
  • 於圖書館內中牌匾刻名
  • 於圖書館內小牌匾刻名
  • 捐款人士/機構芳名將刊載於「捐贈者芳名錄」內

由於「百年樹人計劃」所費不菲,實有賴各界熱心教育、愛護真光的人士、家長及歷屆校友鼎力支持,集腋成裘,共襄盛舉。倘蒙 台端資助,不論數目多少,皆無任感激,如有垂詢,請致電2871 1214或電郵hktlcoff@hkstar.com與吳嘉文校長聯絡。
